Finest Mica Artistry

That we find a rock or a poppy beautiful flake means that are less alone, that we more deeply inserted into existence than the course of a single life would lead us to believe.

"That we find a rock or a poppy beautiful flake" - when we perceive something as beautiful, like a rock or a poppy, it's as though we find beauty in even the simplest or most ordinary things in the world.

"Means that we are less alone" - When we find beauty in the world around us, it connects us to the world and others, reducing our feelings of isolation and loneliness.

"That we are more deeply inserted into existence" - we are more profoundly connected to the essence of existence. It's a way of being more fully engaged with the world.

"Than the course of a single life would lead us to believe" - our individual lives might lead us to feel disconnected or separate from the world. However, the ability to find beauty in the world suggests a deeper connection that goes beyond our individual existence.

Mica is a Group Name, and the Latin word “micare” means to Shine, to Flash or to Glitter.

The Mica group represents a total of 37 different types of mica, such as Muscovite, Phlogopite, Biotite and Vermiculite etc., Muscovite and Phlogopite are important micas for commercial application. Muscovite is by far the most frequently mined and used type of mica. A Typical Chemical Composition of Muscovite Mica is: Silica (SiO2) – 43%-46%; Alumina (Al2O3) – 36%-38%; Potassium oxide (K2O) – 10%-12%; others – 5%. Phlogopite contains less Alumina, but its Composition also includes Magnesium oxide. Mica has a crystalline and layered structure and can be split into very thin sheets. It exhibits outstanding physical properties and no other natural substance possesses all the same properties.

Mica is:

Chemically inert, meaning it does not react to water, acids, oil or solvents, lightweight, flexible and strong, able to resist extremely high temperatures or sudden changes in temperature, able to withstand high voltages and insulate with low power loss, able to absorb or reflect light, which enables a decorative effect and protects against ultra-violet(UV) light.

Mica Use Globally

1) Pearlescent Pigment: Pearlescent pigments are added to paint/coatings, cosmetics, plastics and ink with the main purpose of creating a sparkling effect.

2) Electronics Sector: Mica is used in hairdryers and toasters, and for electrical insulation of cables, capacitors (originally known as condensers) and commutators.

3) Functional Filler: Mica is used in plasterboard, fibre cement, oil-well drilling fluids, plastics, shampoos and conditioners. As well as coatings there are several mica uses in the automotive sector, including tyres, bitumen foils, brake pads and clutches.

# The Paint and Coatings

The paint/coatings industry is generally seen as the leading application segment for pearlescent pigments. Pigments (and mica Powder) are used mainly for automotive (bodywork) and architectural coatings.

# Cosmetics and Personal Care Companies:

This sector especially uses pearlescent pigments for make-up for the face, eyes, lips, and for nails. To a lesser extent mica is used as a filler in cosmetics and personal care applications such as shampoos and conditioners.

# Plastics and Printing Ink Manufacturers:

As is the case for paint/coatings and cosmetics, pearlescent pigments are also often used for plastics and printing ink. Additionally, mica powder is used as a filler in plastics.

# The Electronics:

Mica is used in a wide range of electronic appliances, such as hair dryers and toasters. Electrical insulation of cables, capacitors and Commutators is also a main application of mica in the sector.

# The Automotive:

Next to coatings there are several mica applications in the automotive sector: rubber tyres, bitumen foils, brake pads, clutches etc.

# The Construction Industry:

Mica is regularly used as a filler for fibre cement and plasterboard.

# The Oil Industry:

Mica is often used in oil-well drilling fluids.

About Us

Maxglint Minchem is a Leading Supplier and Manufacturer of Mica products based in Nellore, Andhrapradesh. With years of industry experience, we are dedicated to providing the finest quality products.

We offer a wide range of Mica products including Natural Mica, Calcined Mica, Dry Ground Mica, Wet Ground Mica, Decorative Mica and Mica Insulators.

Our products are known for their superior quality and are used in various industries such as Plastic, Paints and Coatings, Rubber, Automotive, Insulation, False Ceiling Boards, Welding Electrodes, Electrical Appliances, Refractory Bricks and Cosmetics.

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